
So, I totally had this great plan to start writing regularly on this blog. However, it seems to have gone the way of most blogs, and I have forgotten about it. Actually, that is not entirely true. I haven’t forgotten about it. I think about things I could write quite often, actually. I just never get them written.

For example, when I was browsing Amazon a few weeks before Christmas, I thought, “I should make a blog post for ‘Gadgets I Didn’t Know Exist’ talking about this. Of course, that would have been short and possibly not very interesting, so I had some other gadgets I thought I could talk about. Like what I think is the best gadget for kids right now, and why it is way better even than last year’s version. Or how Amazon is making it more economical for you to upgrade your Kindle.

Then there all the times when I have great pictures of the kids on my phone and I think I should share them somewhere (and I seem to be spending less and less time on facebook, anyone else?), so I think I could put them on my blog. Like this set of shots of Carynn being a butterfly at Exploration Place yesterday. Or this video of Reid and Carynn being sweet to each other at the Children’s Theater production. Or the two of them with Santa at church. You get the idea.

So now what?

I am going to try to do better. It is fitting in the time of the new Star Wars movie release to invoke Yoda, here, but I will resist. Because that is all I can do. I will try to actually take some time to post things that interest me or that I think others might find interesting. I won’t promise anything, because my life is busy and it is going to get busier.

If you are interested in hearing more about anything, let me know in the comments. I would love to know that someone is actually reading what I have to say AND finds it interesting enough to comment.

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One Comment

  1. Kay
    March 31

    Thanks for the videos. Miss the kids.

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