If you use a Windows computer, like most of the population, you have used Internet Explorer to access the web. You may be using it to read this post right now. If that is the case, please do yourself a favor and download and start using a different browser.
Seriously, do it now. I’ll wait.
My preference is Google Chrome. I have a post planned soon to tell you some cool things that you can do in Chrome, so go get it if you haven’t. If you have some aversion to Google, then get Firefox. It is made by Mozilla who were the inventors of the modern web browser with Netscape, so they know what they are doing, too.
If it seems like too much trouble to download and start using a new browser, please make sure you have updated to Internet Explorer 11. Stop ignoring all the notices and do that for me, at least, okay? Then, after that, start using Chrome instead!
Simple. Microsoft has never worried about actually trying to make sure their browser works with the industry standards, and has always made you jump through hoops to install the latest version. Chrome and Firefox update automatically and install new updates whenever you close and reopen the browser, so it is seemless and you are up-to-date. With how fast internet security issues happen, that is vital to your online security.
I’m done with my rant, have a nice day. And enjoy your shiny new Chrome browser!
Haha! We use explorer. I would have no idea how to download Google Chrome. I guess we’ll have to wait for our tech guy to help us out. 🙂