I Should Be a Teacher

I saw something that a friend on facebook shared, that was supposed to tell you what job you should have somehow by connecting to your facebook account.

He is an art teacher and wrestling coach, and it told him he should be a college professor.
I went ahead and connected my facebook to see what it told me. It said, “You should be a teacher.”

So validation for my previous career choice, I guess. I wonder how I figured out that is what I should do before facebook apps existed? The problem is, I’m not a teacher anymore, and there are a couple key reasons for that. One was the lack of any possibility for my salary to increase, so the line in the description that really got me was this: “Such a job is a good investment for the future and a promotion is guaranteed!”

What freaking world are they living in? First, I would say there are no jobs where a promotion is guaranteed, but definitely not teachers.

However, in a lot of ways I feel like I still am teaching, I just do it in different ways. I hope that when I help my coworkers they can see it is with the heart of a teacher.

Maybe I’ll be able to teach some people some things on this blog, too.

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