I just got done listing to an interview with Seth Godin (I’d link to his blog, but I’ll just tell you what he always say, Go to Google and type Seth, it will be the first site listed on the page). Once again, I heard him say that everyone should have a blog. So I am back.
Do it now
Initially, I thought, “Yeah, I know, that is why I started my blog back whenever that was, but I got ‘too busy’. I should go back and write on it, again.” Then I thought, “Do it now!” I knew if I didn’t go start writing right away, it wouldn’t happen. So I logged on, moved a bunch of junk comments to Spam (do those ever work?), and started a new post. Of course. then I had to go find an image, but that was easy, because this place has beautiful royalty free pictures. And here I am writing.
What the heck am I going to write about?
I didn’t take any time to think about what I was going to write and I don’t plan an spending the rest of the afternoon working on this post. I am going to write what comes to me and move on. And then my hope is to do it again tomorrow. Yes, I am busy. I have a job, a side gig (or two), and three kids under age six, of course I am busy. But who isn’t? Seth said write everyday about “something that you believe about the world, a prediction about what’s going to happen next, an analysis of something that you noticed, every single day, you will never get writer’s block ‘cuz you subconscious will know it’s due, and at the end of the year you can look back to 365 things you contributed, contributed to the giant haystack of ideas. And at the end of the year, you will look back and say, ‘I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.’” That sounds pretty great to me.
2017 is Going to be Great!
So, a prediction about what is going to happen: I believe that 2017 is going to be the greatest year yet for me and for my family! I see big things ahead. I see big things ahead for me and where I want my career to be headed and, in turn, I see that leading to big things ahead for my family. And let’s face it, that is all that really matters to me and why I do anything that I ever do to improve myself: to benefit my family.
Yes, Kansas still has Sam Brownback as the Governor. Yes, President-Elect Trump is something we are saying now. Yes, I will be over 40 for the entire year. And yet…next year is going to be great for us. I know it. I have some reason I could point to as to why…Reid will finish Kindergarten and begin 1st grade (which is going to be awesome for him), Carynn will start getting to go to preschool three times a week instead of just two (which she cannot wait for), Briar will (hopefully) start eating real food and walking and say her first words (what an amazing time for her and to get to see her grow), I have no doubt that my side gig will grow tremendously (I won’t let it not), as a result of all these things and others, Laura will have more opportunities to explore all the things that I know she wants to explore but just cannot find the time for (and I am excited to see where that leads her)…but I’m not sure they mean that much, because I just know it.
A Season of Growth and Expansion
The best way that I can explain it is that there are seasons in life that we all go through, I am sure that you have felt this. If not, take a minute and reflect on the past 10, 20, 30, or more years of your life and you will be able to see those seasons, I am sure. And I have a very strong feeling that a new season is beginning in my life and that of my family. A season of growth and expansion. I am excited. I already see this new season starting to take hold just in the past weeks, and this blog post is one example of it.
Stay tuned. This is going to be fun!