Category: Technology

Something related to technology.

April 6 / / Something I Found
April 4 / / Something I Found

So, all around the neighborhood today I saw people out mowing their lawns.  I took a look at my lawn and thought, I’ll need to mow soon.  It also got me thinking, why isn’t there a Roomba for the lawn?

March 31 / / Something I Found

This is cool!  3-D Printing is so awesome.  It is amazing to see what people are able to come up with and create as 3-D printers become more available.

March 30 / / Rant

If you use a Windows computer, like most of the population, you have used Internet Explorer to access the web.  You may be using it to read this post right now.  If that is the case, please do yourself a favor and download and start using a different browser.

Seriously, do it now.  I’ll wait.